
kr 9.490

‘To eat at Slippurinn is blissful. To have Matt’s recipes is a gift.’ –   Diana Henry 

The debut from rising star chef Gísli Matt of Slippurinn, the international culinary-destination restaurant in Iceland’s Westman Islands

Chef Gísli Matt built Slippurinn with his family in a historic shipyard building of a small town whose landscape was changed forever by the lava flow from a 1973 erupted volcano. In this most incredible environment, where plants grow on mountains created out of lava, Gísli created a menu that both respects the local and traditional and pushes boundaries of contemporary cuisine. Gísli is forging his own way in gastronomy today. He has captured the attention of the world’s culinary cognoscenti, including Ruth Reichl and Diana Henry among others, and this, Gísli’s first book, reflects his extensive research into traditional Icelandic dishes to preserve local culinary knowledge while applying a modern approach for cuisine to be enjoyed by locals and international foodies. It takes the reader right to the heart of his fascinating culinary world and island life. A book for lovers of all things Nordic and for food lovers the world over.

  • Útgefandi: Phaidon 
  • Tungumál: enska
  • Kápa: Harðspjalda
  • Blaðsíður: 256
  • Stærð: 21 x 27.5 cm 




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Gallaðar vörur

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Vörur ekki til

Við leggjum kapp á að hafa lagerstöðu rétta í vefbúðinni, en ef keypt er vara sem ekki reynist til á lager verða þau kaup endurgreidd.


Seljandi heitir kaupanda fullum trúnaði um allar þær upplýsingar sem kaupandi gefur upp í tengslum við viðskiptin. Upplýsingar frá kaupanda verða ekki afhentar þriðja aðila undir neinum kringumstæðum.


Þessir skilmálar eru í samræmi við íslensk lög. Rísi mál vegna þeirra, skal það rekið fyrir íslenskum dómstóli. Um skilmála þessa gilda ákvæði laga um neytendasamninga nr 16/2016 og ákvæði laga um neytendakaup nr. 48/2003. Allir frestir sem nefndir eru í lögum nr. 16/2016 byrja að líða þegar móttaka vöru á sér stað. 



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